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Kapil Nirmal the talented actor was recently seen in a cameo role in Shakti Astitva Ke Ehsaas Ki. Kapil has a dashing persona and well-built physique. He has a good fashion sense, and is always on top of the fashion game.

In a candid chat with, Kapil talks of his fashion interests.

Check them here.

#Ishtyle for you in one word:

Being yourself

Favourite item in your wardrobe:


The style that makes you feel sexy:

I feel sexy when I am happy

Your fashion inspiration: 

I feel I need to get more of the fashion sense in me. So I will always look for inspiration.

What would be your dress to kill on a perfect date:

Nice shirt and jeans or maybe a pant

Sweatshirts or shirts:


Colour combination you prefer in your dressing style:

Blue and White, Black and Blue, Yellow and Blue, Pink and Blue

Your favorite accessory to go with your dress:

My bracelet as I don’t like putting on my watch

Indian or western:

Western as we wear mostly that.

Your best gift with respect to attire that you have got:

Shirts, I have got as gifts many times

Your favorite dress worn during lockdown:  

Body fit T-shirts and shorts

Favorite Beachwear Fashion:

Shorts with Floral T-shirts and a cap

What did you miss the most in dressing up during this lockdown:

I was at Jaipur after a while. It was cold out there, so I got to wear jackets and sweaters

Fashion advice to fans:

Wear what looks good on you and what you feel comfortable wearing.

The post I feel ‘sexy’ when I am happy: Kapil Nirmal appeared first on IWMBuzz.

from Fashion – IWMBuzz

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